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Surefire Ways to Manage Pitta Dosha in Summer Season

Ayurveda is an ancient medical system that works by balancing the climate and indivi...

Understanding the Concept of Panchakarma to Lead Healthy Lifestyle

According to Ayurveda, Ama (toxins) is the internal cause of all diseases as it aggr...

How Exercises Help in Balancing your Dosha?

It's no secret that exercise has several advantages. But did you know that the good ...

What Is The Role Of Ayurveda To Provide Relief From Diabetes

Diabetes is one of the rapidly increasing diseases in I...


Surefire Ways to Manage Pitta Dosha in Summer Season

Ayurveda is an ancient medical system that works by balancing the climate and individ...

Understanding the Concept of Panchakarma to Lead Healthy Lifestyle

According to Ayurveda, Ama (toxins) is the internal cause of all diseases as it aggra...

How Exercises Help in Balancing your Dosha?

It's no secret that exercise has several advantages. But did you know that the good A...

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