Dr. Jagpal Pandher

Dr. Jagpal Pandher

General Bio

Dr. Jagpal Pandher is a Rheumatologist in Tricity and also has 15 years of experience in Internal Medicine. He has previously worked as a Senior Resident at PGI, Chandigarh, Fortis Hospital, Mohali, and IVY hospital, Mohali. He moved to the UK to attain extensive experience in Rheumatology and General Medicine for 5 years. As a part of his training, he has worked below eminent docs in the subject of rheumatology and acute medication in numerous hospitals throughout the UK such as St Georges Hospital, London, East Surrey Hospital, Redhill, Solihull Hospital ( Heart of England NHS Trust). His expertise includes: 1.) Rheumatoid Arthritis 2.) Inflammatory arthritis 3.) Tissue Disorders Vasculitis 4.) Osteoporosis metabolic bone disease 5.) Autoinflammatory disorder 6.) Joint and soft tissue injections 7.) Advanced management of refractory complex inflammatory disorders 8.) Regional pain syndromes

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