Dr. Manjunath Malige

Dr. Manjunath Malige

General Bio

Dr. Manjunath Malige is an experienced Endocrinologist and Diabetologist.He has various memberships in International endocrine and diabetes-like British Endocrine Society, American Endocrine Society, American College of Endocrinology, and Diabetes UK.He did his graduation in Medicine and then completed his M.D in internal medicine from the Bangalore Medical College.Has expertise in managing different types of diabetes including Gestational Diabetes (diabetes during pregnancy), Diabetes-related complications, and various hormone abnormalities including those of the Thyroid, Parathyroid, Pituitary, and Adrenal glands.Dr. Manjunath has worked at the Osteoporosis and Metabolic Bone Disorder Clinic at Central Manchester Foundation Trust. Under his name, there are various publications in Internationally reputed journals. Dr. Manjunath Malige has been awarded the Fellowship of American College of Endocrinology.

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