Dr. Heena Chawla
Dr. Heena Chawla
PCOS/PCOD(पीसीओएस) Common Questions Answered
In this video, our expert gynecologist Dr. Heena Chawla answered some very common questions about PCOD/PCOS.
What are periods like when you have PCOS?
In PCOD patients, the bleeding pattern is very different. In some cases, women don’t have periods at all, or it comes in the form of spots. It is a ubiquitous feature in PCOD. So the reason may be that in PCOD, ovulation, the rupturing of the egg, is delayed. So when it is delayed, the periods are also delayed. So the inner lining of the uterus, i.e., endometrium, doesn’t get enough hormones. Due to hormonal imbalance, there is a very thin layer of the endometrium; hence the periods don’t run for a long time.
Another very common question people ask is that most of the time in PCOD,
Why does PCOS cause heavy bleeding?
If one has not received periods for 2 or 3 months, they may suddenly have heavy bleeding. See what happens in routine; when we have periods, the body secretes anticoagulants which don’t allow blood to clot during the time of shredding of the inner lining of the uterus. But due to some unknown reason, the flow is increased heavily; the endometrium layer is gone very thick, so time body doesn’t get enough time to secret the anticoagulant to counteract the blood flow. So in these cases, heavy bleeding may occur.
In many cases in women, periods are coming, and after the period is over, there is clotting of blood or bleeding. For this, our experts will say there may be many reasons for this. First, there may be ovulation spotting, which means bleeding during ovulation or implantation bleeding when you are about to have pregnancy.
There may be endometrial polyps, which means a knot formed in the inner layer of the endometrium is called polyps, due to which spotting may occur. Also, in the case of uterus cancer, this spotting may occur. So if you have any of these, you should immediately visit a gynecologist; if needed, get an ultrasound and discuss it; get it examined, and then only we will come to know the reason for this bleeding. Often, no treatment measures are required for ovulation bleeding or implantation bleeding.

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