Diet after kidney Transplant: किडनी ट्रान्सप्लान्ट के बाद क्या खाना चहिये?

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  • 3 years ago

Diet after kidney Transplant: किडनी ट्रान्सप्लान्ट के बाद क्या खाना चहिये?

In this video SimpliHealth expert Urologist Dr. Virendra Dhankhar is talking about Diet after kidney Transcplant(किडनी ट्रान्सप्लान्ट के बाद क्या खाना चहिये?).Patients suffering from kidney transplant travel a long way. First their kidneys are damaged; they gradually adjust with it followed by dialysis ultimately opting for transplant. Because of this, not only are they scared, they also abstinence themselves from various food during dialysis .Our expert with 20 yrs of experience, noticed that patients themselves keep restrictions in food after kidney transplant. Also they have many questions regarding diet. 

Nutrition After Kidney Transplant

Diet undertaken is divided in two stages: 

  1. One to be followed within 3 months of transplant 
  2. Second diet to be followed after 3 months. 

Because of intake of immunosuppressant drugs, they are at a higher risk of infection, they should know what to abstinence from and what not. So a balanced diet comprises carbohydrates proteins, fats, multi-vitamins and minerals. 

In normal transplant one may have homemade food. If he/she is not diabetic they can have all the carbohydrates; there is no need for restriction. If we talk about protein, one may take standard 1gmper weight of protein. 

What foods are not good for dialysis patients?

During dialysis we do say that one must restrict protein in their diet; however after transplant they can take protein. Fats should be taken in lesser amounts because after transplant drugs prescribed lead to feelings of hunger and it may increase the cholesterol level of the body. Furthermore it may lead to increase in weight which might lead to diabetes. Unsaturated fats or oil may be used but limit the quantity of oil. Desi ghee should be avoided. Any oil (groundnut or olive oil) on rotation can be used. 

According to our experts, minerals, calcium and iron should be taken since because of kidney damage and steroids intake, the bones are affected adversely. Calcium should be consumed in higher amounts for which one can consume dairy products.  

If we talk about fruits ,one may have any fruits except the people having diabetes can have 5 fruits viz. apple, pineapple, grapes, white papaya, guava and pear. For the first 3 months one should avoid the consumption of raw vegetables since it poses a greater risk of infection  and if consumed should be washed thoroughly. Always eat fresh fruits and discard the rotten one.  For the first three months one should consume more water however after 3 months the patient may take water as per thirst normally 2-205 litres of water can be consumed after 1 month. 

Can kidney transplant patients eat out?

This is a common question that patients ask: can we eat in hotels?. According to our experts, Yes you can eat in a hotel but consume only boiled food because when the food is cooked well it reduces the chance of infection. Curd must be avoided. Boiled water or normal RO water can be consumed; there is no need for bisleri water consumption. One may consume chicken not fried but roasted chicken can be consumed as there is no restriction in protein intake. If one wishes to eat outside or at a hotel abstinence from uncooked or raw food. 

Also if one wishes to eat anything from the refrigerator make sure you heat them quickly rather than keeping them outside for 1 hour, it will increase the chance of infection. After 3 months of transplant, one can live a normal life after transplant just that in the first 3 months few precautions must be taken. Don’t get overweight, exercise regularly and have a healthy life. Overweight may lead to high sugar and blood pressure so blood sugar must be checked routinely 

In a nutshell after transplant one should lead a healthy life and enjoy the notion that you have recovered. For a long life of a kidney one must follow doctor advice and live a healthy lifestyle.

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