What are the common Shoulder problems & treatment?

  • 13
  • 4 years ago

Frozen shoulder

Dr. Awasthi is one of the Orthopaedic surgeons practicing in Gurgaon, India.

He talked about a very common problem that we see in our day-to-day life that is, Shoulder pain and stiffness. Patients with shoulder pain and stiffness come with a variety of backgrounds and a lot of youngsters come following the incident of pain as, while playing racket sports like badminton, lawn tennis, or after throwing action in cricket. People between 25 to 35 years of age go to the doctors with a history that they were lifting a very heavyweight in the gym and there felt a sudden sharp pain. All these historical episodes are followed by some discomfort around the shoulder which stayed beyond the normal 3-4 weeks of time. 

A lot of people in the more of a middle-aged come with pain starting without an obvious injury. When they got up in the morning they felt the pain around the shoulder which refused to settle down with time. A lot of patients who are more than 40 have informed the diabetic, some of them have high uric acid. All of these things can lead to different problems happening around the shoulder joint.

Dr. Awasthu discussed three common problems or three common diagnoses which are made. The first one is called Rotator Cuff Tendonitis which means just some inflammation of the muscles of the rotator cuff attached around the shoulder joint. Commonest among them being the supraspinatus muscle. The second subset of patients have a rotator cuff tear some fibers or maybe complete fibers of the sender called supraspinatus gets detached from its point of attachment. The perception of patients comes with pain and stiffness which has been going on for a few weeks to a few months. A lot of them are diagnosed with frozen shoulders. So when a patient comes with shoulder pain it is very important to understand the history of the evolution of symptoms. If there is an injury proceeding the pain then we suspect more towards rotator cuff tendonitis or a partial tear. Both these things will be painful but the movements will be fairly moderately retailed. If however there is a patient who has been having shoulder pain for a while maybe a few weeks or months they go into a phase where the shoulder joint start getting step so that I find it very difficult to move the shoulder in different axes, such patients who have started with the rotator cuff tendinitis or maybe a partial tear eventually progress to what we called as frozen shoulder or what is technically called Adhesive Capsulitis. It is important to differentiate the individual terms as the treatment is specific to the condition; a lot of such patients can respond to standard nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications, some cold packs, restriction of activity, medicine, and physiotherapy at times. A lot of patients who come to us have already tried these measures before they reach out to us.  The patient is asked to undergo MRI if a rotator cuff tear or significant tendonitis is suspected. Check for uric acid is very important or if the patient is diabetic the control of blood sugar is very important if you want a long term evolution of symptoms now most of these patients whether it is rotator cuff tendinitis whether it is partial rotator cuff tear or it is it catalyzers can be managed conservatively with a combination of medication restriction on modification of activity and specificity subject to 10% patients who are resistant to this treatment for our diagnose rotator cuff tear or who have suffered application to go for its college in arthroscopic shoulder surgery so if you have been suffering from the shoulder pain and it’s not of refuses to improve over 3 weeks 4 days man please don’t waste time please reach out to an Orthopaedic let it be examined properly let the ask for to the required in the diagnosis we can give you the appropriate treatment so stay connected and please reach out to us for anything

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