Navratri Fast: Health Benefits & Rules in Hindi

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  • 3 years ago
Guru Manish Ji

Navratri Fast: Health Benefits & Rules in Hindi

Happy Navratri to everyone. Navratri is about to begin. Navratri is a Sanskrit word, which means nine nights. In these nine nights and ten days, the nine goddesses are worshiped. And the 10th day is famously called Dussehra. Navratri comes four times a year. Paush, Chaitra, Ashad, and Ashwin. A majority of Indians do Navratri fast. But some people think of it as pomp. 

If we look at it from a scientific point of view, then fasting is very beneficial for our bodies. This is because fasting helps clean and detoxify our bodies. And even Ayurveda says, ‘langhan param aushadh’. Which means fasting is the best medicine. 

The Japanese scientist Yoshinori Ohsumi won a Nobel Prize in 2016 for his theory that fasting helps with diseases like cancer, hepatitis, liver failure, etc. 

There is another scripture in the Ayurveda that says, ‘sarveshanam roganam nivedanm krupita mala.’ This translates to, ‘the cause of every disease is the toxins in our body.’ 

And fasting during Navratri is the best way to get rid of this toxin in your body. So during this Navratri, you must try and fast as well. 

The Correct Way of Fasting 

This will help cleanse your body. But it is very important to know how to fast correctly. Fasting does not mean that you can eat fried potato chips and rice. In our research, we have observed that people tend to make various food items during fasting, and plates are handed out at restaurants. 

Fasting means you only have to eat fruits, salad and drink fresh juice and coconut water. This will help detoxify your body and boost your immunity. Eat the food that does not spend energy to get digested instead, eat food that helps clean the body. Navratri is directly linked to Ayurved. Now I will tell you how Navratri and Ayurved are connected. Let’s celebrate Navratri the correct way and learn more about it. 

In the end, I would like to say that you should fast, keep your body clean and be, and get rid of diseases. And boost your immunity along with it. The best way to boost your immunity is to fast. If we fast and keep our stomachs empty, then the production of antibodies or good bacteria. These favorable bacteria help fight diseases. Thank you. 

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